The goal of this page is to outline a typical recording session with Authentic Audio. Throughout this description, please realize there are always options for flexibility based on the needs of the project and the recording capabilities of the musicians. Our goal is to give you the highest quality recording of your songs.
The first step of any recording project is to understand the scope of the project. We would like to meet with the musicians to get a flavor of the musical style and capabilities and to understand the opportunities for recording. The preferred time for this consultation meeting is just prior to a band rehearsal. This will give a chance to meet the musicians and discuss the needs of the recording project. This meeting can be followed by a short performance of some of the material to be recorded.
This time allows for the musicians to meet the recording engineer and form a relationship as well as allow the recording engineer to asses compatibility of the musical style and capabilities of the musicians.
The main recording session needs to be scheduled so that all setup intensive backing tracks (for example, drums) can be tracked in one session. Setup of microphones on a drum kit can be an intensive operation. The drummer needs to make sure that all squeeks, rattles, and tuning issues are taken care of prior to the recording session. The recording session will identify the limits of all of your equipment. Remember, what can go wrong, will go wrong. Simple is always better for recording. The same is true for the recording session itself.
Microphones will be setup on the drum kit with the attention to capture all details provided by the drummer. A basic stereo configuration will use four microphones (kick, snare, stereo overheads). Depending on the song, accents for hi-hat, toms, and room microphones can be added.
Authentic Audio offers Pro Tools, Digital Performer, and Cubase SX as standard recording software. In general, we feel that Cubase SX allows the best recording due to its functions and cross platform PC/Mac operation. The recordings will be done using a Macintosh Powerbook, but for mixing we tend to use a PC due to added processing power. In the end, we can provide session files in the software choice of the user if a desired preference is indicated.
The Backing Tracks
The backing tracks can be recorded using whatever method is desired by the artist. Drums can be recorded with or without a click track and even along with pre-recorded material from other sessions. Other instruments can be recorded at the same time, either as scratch tracks or with the intention to keep the performance. Many times the feel of the band is best preserved when the band performs in the manner they are used to, as a group.
Tracks that are recorded after the initial backing tracks can be referred to as overdubs. These can be replacements for the original "scratch" performances, or additional solos, background vocals, lead vocals, or anything not recorded during the original tracks.
Experimentation with overdubs is encouraged. If desired, the backing tracks can be submixed and exported to a different software program or CD. Overdubs can then be practiced, or recorded by the musicians on their own. MIDI tracks can be composed and added and loops can be added to the performance. Essentially, the sky is the limit, this is where the musicians will add their own special touch, making the performance their own. Authentic Audio is willing to assist where desired.
After the recording process is completed, it is necessary to clean up the recording. To preserve compatibility with future audio programs, the editing process will embed all crossfades, fade in/out and recording takes into a single WAV file for the entire instrument. For example, a guitar may come and go throughout the song, but it is best to compile this into one file that lasts the entire length of the song. Then at some future time, it is easy to reconstruct the exact recording. The timing required for editing is minmized by making choices of which performance to keep during the actual recording process. In simple cases, the editing step is typically a one hour process.
A rough mix can be completed at any stage of the recording process, but a final mix is an art and takes time to create properly. Commercially released tracks can require as much as a week to perfect a mix. In general, one day is used to get a good solid mix. Depending on the complexity of the performance and how much needs to be "fixed in the mix", expect two hours of mixing required per song for a basic recording.
Mixing will be done at the Authentic Audio facility, using Mackie HR824 near-field monitors and the highest quality effects processing. Additional outboard analog gear is available for mixdown, but in general, we prefer to mix "in the box" using software processing effects. This allows for the easiest ability to change the mix at a later date because all settings are instantly recalled.
Final mixes can be offered as a single mix and as other standards with no vocals, vocals +3dB, bass +3dB, bass -3dB, etc.
File Backups
It is best for the musicians to provide a Firewire/USB2.0 capable external hard drive to allow for backups of the original tracks to be copied. DVD-r backups can also be provided, but the cost of hard drives is so low these days, that this is the fastest and least expensive backup option from a timing perspective.
Mastering involves compressing the dynamic range to "competitive levels" as well as final EQ tweaks to the mixed recording. Additionally, balance and feel across a whole project is set at this stage of the process. This is what allows a whole album to have the same feel. Although Authentic Audio has some Mastering capabilities, we prefer that this is left to a qualified mastering professional. Authentic Audio can work closely with your mastering house to ensure that files are properly transferred.
Some Final Thoughts...
The recording process can be an intense, emotional, experience. The need to pour your soul into a recording when "tape is running" is a demand that is many times hard to enable. The idea of on-location recording, where Authentic Audio travels to your performance site is intended to make this process easier.
We will provide our full attention during the recording of your project and we expect that you will do the same. Use of alcohol and drugs may make the performance easier and sound better during the process, but a later listen will reveal the flaw of this philosophy. We realize that a recording is something that lasts forever. Do yourself a favor and give your best during your recording session. We reserve the right to delay or cancel sessions where this request is ignored.
We also understand the importance of groupies as part of band culture, but ask that anyone that distracts the musicians from giving their best performance be asked to leave during the recording session.
Finally, high quality recording equipment is an expensive investment. Although we understand that electronics can be damaged through normal use, any abusive behavior that results in damaged equipment will be the responsibility of the musicians. An estimate of the repair will be given on-site and the balance must be paid-in-full for the recording session to continue.
The above thoughts are unfortunate aspects of band culture that must be considered. We are truly interested in making you sound the best and only ask the same in return.